For which CMS you want to go? Wordpress VS Joomla

Hey guys, today we want to discuss which CMS is best in between Wordpress & Joomla and we know that you will instantly say JOOMLA but wait for a while let me tell you why wordpress is best over joomla or can joomla be more powerful as Wordpress. So basically in this post we’re going to tell you why you should have to go with Wordpress.
A we know that wordpress is very popular among newbie’s the reason is that they can easily setup wordpress websites in quick minutes so this is one everyone want.
There are many other cms in the market but the question is that which one to adopt for our branded website or which one we should adopt for our personal blog so there are many pro and cons of each cms. It’s totally up to the requirements of website.

Quick Installation – Wordpress allows you quick installation in just a few seconds while joomla takes more time as compared to the wordpress so we can say there here wordpress is the winner.
Theme & Add-ons – basically wordpress comes with the pre-installed but powerful themes and wordpress allows you to custom themes according to your need and business. Wordpress allows you to install third party themes like StudioPress, Themify, & ThemeLab. We already know that joomla also comes with in-built themes and add-ons but joomla doesn’t allows you to install template from the administration area so we can say that here also wordpress is the winner.
Support Options – Wordpress has a large community support and helpful forums and you can easily hire a best qualified wordpress developer but on the other hand joomla have quite limited community so it may be little difficult you to find a much qualified developer as we compared to the wordpress so we can say that here wordpress is the winner.
Security mechanisms – if we talk about the security perspective then we know that wordpress is very popular cms and that is why wordpress cms is often targeted by hackers if you want to be secured then you have to apply latest patches and security updates. Joomla is also same as wordpress when we talk about security purposes.

If you’re looking for wordpress Development Company or joomla Development Company then we’re here to help you! 


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